Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Birchbox-- July 2012

I got my Birchbox and wanted to do a quick post on what I received. If you haven't heard of Birchbox it's a $10/month subscription service. Each month you receive a box with 4-5 deluxe beauty samples and "lifestyle extras". Each month has a theme, and sometimes the box will be curated. Every now and then you will get a full sized product. I have used the service for almost a year and have found many new favorites through it.

This month's box was curated by Glamour Magazine!

Here is what the box looks like when opened.

The packaging is always so pretty.

Stila Lip Glaze in the color "Action".
-0.05fl oz-

Tea Forte minteas in the flavor "Lemongrass Yuzu"
-one tin-

Set of hot pink and blue earbuds

Color Club nail polish in "Blue-Ming". This is actually a lot brighter and mintier than shown.
-0.25 fl oz-

Annick Goutal "Eau d' Hadrien perfume. Very citrus-y.
-.06 fl oz-

Boscia B.B. Cream
I like this one WAY better than Garnier's.
-0.35 oz-

Tips a tricks:

-Full sized items are often sold with free shipping on the Birchbox website.

-Complete product reviews on the website to earn "Birchbox Points". These quickly add up and are redeemable for money off full sized purchases.

-Referring a friend or gifting a subscription also earns "Birchbox Points"

-You can end your subscription at anytime.

- What you receive is based on your answers in a survey given when you sign up. There are multiple versions of the box each month.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I take a TON of pictures and thought it might be fun to post some on here every month or so.

The rearview mirror in my hoopty.

My hoodlum children wrastlin'.

I've got a serious problem.



A Day in the Life: Nurse Edition

0515: Alarm clock sounds...punch it.
0545: Roll out of bed and double check my schedule and confirm that I do indeed to have to go to work.
0600: Finish crying after realizing that I do have to go to work.
0615: Haphazardly slap makeup onto face and put hair in bun. Brush teeth. Pee.
0625: Walk to work. Why is it so dang hot?!
0645: Clock in.
0700: Fight with Charge RN about whether it's your turn to get pulled to another unit.
0710: Win the fight.
0715-0845: Run around like a chicken with my head cut off assessing patients and giving every pain, nausea, and itching medication known to man. Why are people so itchy?!
0845-0930: Marathon charting. Gotta get caught up, gotta get caught up.
0930- Pull 10 o'clock meds for all patients.
0931-1015: Pass meds and find that all my patients are in pain again. Go figure.
1016: Wish you had just shut up and gone to the other unit.
1017-1100: Pass pain medication and save the world.
1101-1130: Chart up.
1131-1200: Stuff face with cafeteria food.
1201: Wish I had a nurse to give me nausea medication.
1210-1300: Attempt to repair a wound vac dressing.
1301: Accept defeat and place a wet to dry. Whadyaknow...everyone's in pain again. Pass pain meds.
1330: Convince myself that I've contracted scabies. Why am I so itchy?!
1400-1415: Get cussed out by a patient. Get your head bit off by a doctor.
1500: My bladder exploded...nearly. Pee.
1530: Tap foot angrily while waiting for the next nurse to arrive...they're late.
1600: Finally give report and escape.
1601-1630: Walk home...have multiple heat strokes.
1700: Immediately change into pajamas. Am I allowed to go to bed when the sun's still out?!
1730-1900: Watch TV that kills my braincells and is completely uneducational.
2000: Shower and eat whatever I can find. Cheez-its and a popsicle? Bon apetit.
2130: Fall asleep and dream about call lights and bubble gum enemas. Good night!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Beat the Bucket List

Swim with a manatee

This ^ is Little Bean.
He and I swam together in Cozumel, Mexico.
 I will never forget how gentle and mellow this gentle giant was. :-) 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stacked Bracelets

I am having so much fun with the stacked bracelets trend. I love to mix up bright colors and varying textures. It is completely fool proof and is an easy way to add life and color to an outfit. I tend to only wear 3-4 at once, but it looks great with more too. As long as you can bend your elbow, I say keep on stacking! :-)

From L-R: The Man Repeller for BaubleBar, Mae Movement, a boutique in Dallas, BaubleBar

If you aren't into bright colors, you could always go with neutral colors, varying metal tones, or black and white (as shown above).

From L-R: Mae Movement, The Man Repeller for BaubleBar, The Man Repeller for BaubleBar, Mae Movement

I am definitely into bright colors. The bracelets shown above incorporate color, texture, and a little bit of the tribal print trend.

From L-R: The Man Repeller for BaubleBar, street vendor in Mexico, Mae Movement, The Man Repeller for BaubleBar

NEON!!!! Nothing screams summer more that neon colors. :-)

Beautiful beaded bracelets raising money for an awesome cause.

Fun way to affordably and quickly build a bracelet collection. Answer a series of questions and receive a set of five bracelets customized based on your answers. Who doesn't love a surprise?!  For a limited time only, curated for BaubleBar by The Man Repeller.

Awesome jewelery at varying price points.