Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Stacked Bracelets

I am having so much fun with the stacked bracelets trend. I love to mix up bright colors and varying textures. It is completely fool proof and is an easy way to add life and color to an outfit. I tend to only wear 3-4 at once, but it looks great with more too. As long as you can bend your elbow, I say keep on stacking! :-)

From L-R: The Man Repeller for BaubleBar, Mae Movement, a boutique in Dallas, BaubleBar

If you aren't into bright colors, you could always go with neutral colors, varying metal tones, or black and white (as shown above).

From L-R: Mae Movement, The Man Repeller for BaubleBar, The Man Repeller for BaubleBar, Mae Movement

I am definitely into bright colors. The bracelets shown above incorporate color, texture, and a little bit of the tribal print trend.

From L-R: The Man Repeller for BaubleBar, street vendor in Mexico, Mae Movement, The Man Repeller for BaubleBar

NEON!!!! Nothing screams summer more that neon colors. :-)

Beautiful beaded bracelets raising money for an awesome cause.

Fun way to affordably and quickly build a bracelet collection. Answer a series of questions and receive a set of five bracelets customized based on your answers. Who doesn't love a surprise?!  For a limited time only, curated for BaubleBar by The Man Repeller.

Awesome jewelery at varying price points.

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